It's always that snake from the symbol of medicine.

Whether it's the single snake of the rod of Asclepius, or the double snake of the Mercurial Caduceus, it's all lies all the time. They lie even when they tell the truth. It's remarkable how advanced is this art.

(Those in "unorganized" medicine also lie, because, after all, it is still medicine. The fact that a doc loses his license does not mean they stop lying.)

I am a something of a conjecture addict, a vice so common these days. We need to stop conjecturizing so much. This is part of the globalist spell: induce people to speculate as much as possible.

OK, it sells well. But, there is a time and a place for everything, and we have been abusing the sleuthing.

Perhaps the way to start the detox is to learn to be skeptical about one's own conjectures.

You do well to point in the direction of plain sight admissions of truth, Antony. Very wise.

The other day I listened Alison Morrow (great woman, IMO) saying a great phrase: "the mind is even worse than sugar." She was referring to bad thoughts and obsessions, of course.

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